240 Whitehorse Road Balwyn, VIC 3103
Hours: 9.00 am - 5.30 Mon-Fri. Sat: 9.00 am - 12.30 pm.


Our vision is precious and its worth protecting. Now, more than ever before, protecting our vision has been made easier with the advent of new technologies that can help detect potential problems before its too late. At My Optometrist, we are dedicated to ensuring you have the most comprehensive examination of your eyes by utilising these great new technologies in diagnosing problems early and increasing the prognosis of you maintaining healthy vision. Some of our technologies include:

Optos Daytona

The essential screening instrument, the Optos Daytona uses a laser to scan up to 200 degrees of the retina. A traditional retinal photo only allows capture of 45 degrees at one time and documenting the peripheral retina is often difficult. With the Optos Daytona, the far periphery can be analysed quickly and comfortably without instilling drops. Each scan takes about 2 seconds to perform and is completely safe. Many peripheral conditions often do not cause a visual disturbance initially and before the advent of the Optos Daytona, often go undetected during routine examination. Optos Daytona scans have been documented in detecting retinal tears and detachments and even ocular tumours in patients without any symptoms or visual disturbances and at My Optometrist, we recommend performing the scan routinely for thoroughness. It could not only save your vision, but your life.

Retinal camera

Retinal cameras allow us to take a photo of the back of your eyes in particular regards to the details of the optic nerve, macula and retinal blood vessels. In most cases, this forgoes the need to instill dilating drops which saves time and allows you to drive straight afterwards.

The Kowa WX 3D camera also allows a 3D image of the optic nerve to be taken. This 3D image is the gold standard in early detection of Glaucoma.


Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is safe, non-invasive and is the most advanced form of retinal imaging technology currently available. It compliments fundus photography by showing what is happening in the underlying layers.  It is very useful in detecting and monitoring retinal conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Medmont E300 Corneal Topographer

The Medmont E300 Corneal Topographer is a specialised piece of equipment that allows us to map the corneal surface. It is particularly useful in difficult and specialised contact lens fittings such as those for keratoconus and orthokeratology (ortho-k), as well as post surgical fits.

It is an essential piece of equipment for monitoring the progression of keratoconus; a progressive condition that causes the central cornea to bulge forward due to weakness in the corneal structure.

Medmont Automated Perimeter

The Medmont perimeter allows us to map out a patient’s peripheral vision. This is important in diagnosing and monitoring the loss of peripheral vision in Glaucoma. It also allows us to assess the extent of damage caused by some strokes and ocular tumours. This plays a particular role in determining driving standards after such events.

Some conditions such as multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions can also be monitored using the perimeter.

Have you had your eyes checked lately?